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Permanent Magnet

Customization is available for customer's require with many type of magnets.
Click on the magnet type below to go to the relevant product information.
Magnetic Characteristics and Physical Properties of Sintered NdFeB Magnet

The above-mentioned data of magnetic parameters and physical properties are given at room temperature.
The maximum service temperature of magnet is changeable due to the ratio length and diameter and environmental factors.
Density: 7.4~7.6g/cm3; αBr: -0.09~-0.13%/℃; αHcj:-0.50~-0.80%/℃; Hardness: Hv 600.
Magnetic Parameters of Bonded Compression NdFeB Magnet

Magnetic Characteristics of Bonded Injection NdFeB Magnet

Magnetic Characteristics and Physical Properties of SmCo Magnet

NOTE: Due to the fast development of technology, the performance index may be adjusted accordingly. Customers should follow the latest version. In additional to above grades, our company can also special performance.
The Properties of Magnetic Powder

Typical Magnetic Properties for Cast AlNiCo Magnet

Typical Magnetic Properties for Sintered AlNiCo Magnet

Typical Magnetic Properties for Ferrite Magnet

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